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Aeropress Stainless Steel Filter No.5009

Aeropress Stainless Steel Filter No.5009

60 ポイント 
Regular price ¥6,050 税込
Regular price Sale price ¥6,050 税込

Product basic information

Item Weight: 12.3g
Product size: D2 x W89 x H131 (mm)

Easy-to-use stainless steel filter for the Aeropress coffee maker

Point 1. Flavorful oil and rich, full-bodied flavor

While paper filters give off a clean tasting flavor, stainless steel filters allow flavorful oils to pass through for a rich, full-bodied finish.

Point 2. Reuse and be environmentally friendly

It is environmentally friendly as it is not disposable and can be reused.

Point 3. Easy to clean

Easy to clean; just rinse and dry. Dishwasher safe.

Compatible Products

Aeropress Original Coffee Maker◇ Aeropress Coffee Maker Clear◇ Aeropress Go Travel Coffee Maker


*Product specifications and package design may be subject to change.

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How to make delicious coffee at home

Aeropress is a device that uses the power of air to extract coffee. It is simple to use, and by adjusting the amount of coffee, grind size, and water volume, you can create coffee with a variety of flavors. It responds to the ingenuity of the person who extracts it.
Introducing some recommended recipes from Ogawa Coffee.

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